Condemn the Olympic Mockery of Christianity!

Condemn the Olympic Mockery of Christianity

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Outrage at France's Blatant Mockery of Christianity at the Olympic Ceremony

Last weekend, France spat in the face of 2.6 billion Christians worldwide by turning an ancient athletic celebration into a revolting spectacle that openly mocked the Last Supper of Jesus Christ, one of the most venerated moments in the Christian faith. This wasn’t just a misguided artistic expression—it was a deliberate, abhorrent attack on the core of the Christian faith and a declaration of war on Christians worldwide.

It’s largely the Judeo-Christian community that opposes males competing in women’s sports; is the National Olympic Committee also declaring war on women’s sports with this despicable mockery?

The show culminated in an equally revolting display featuring a headless Marie Antoinette, which historically marked the beginning of the bloody “Reign of Terror” and the dechristianization of France. During this period, churches were defiled, Bibles burned, crosses and church bells destroyed, and cherished religious sculptures desecrated. The confiscation of church property was rampant, and obscene cultic worship practices, including orgies, were performed.

Join our campaign targeting the Olympic committee, world leaders, and the Pope himself. We must defend Christianity and ensure our voices are heard. Share this message and take action now. Thank you!

"Where freedom of religion has been attacked, the attack has come from sources opposed to democracy. Where democracy has been overthrown, the spirit of free worship has disappeared. And where religion and democracy have vanished, good faith and reason in international affairs have given way to strident ambition and brute force."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

Help Us Defend Against the Olympic Mockery of Christianity

Every dollar raised will be dedicated to raising awareness, and mobilizing grassroots pressure on every elected official to impact policy.

B Binder B
S Smith S
F Fiato F
P Palha P
G Grubb G