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ACT 2022 Strategic Grassroots Agenda Revealed!
Act for America


A special greeting to our wonderful grassroots leadership family! I am personally very excited about the projects we have been developing that will serve our united national grassroots efforts. 

I am hoping to find a key issue or issues that each of you will feel inspired and passionate about and provide all the strategic tools in your arsenal to help each of you find real, achievable victories in your state. I am also developing some support tools to help you grow your chapter/group network to increase your local impact. 

I will begin scheduling regular zoom conference times for our group leaders that will be focused on this year’s agenda. This will be a great way to connect with you face to face and provide opportunities for us to learn, grow, and mobilize together! Expect a survey to evaluate our best days and times to bring us together collectively in the next week.

Let’s Talk Grassroots Business! 

January kicks off the 2022 State Legislative Session in MOST states. This means our lawmakers are back to work, introducing, sponsoring, and pushing their legislative agendas. 

2022 State Legislative Calendar

In 2022, ACT Grassroots will be focusing our energies, time, and grassroots resources on our strategic priorities, as follows: 

Election Integrity!
- We will be launching 50 state-specific legislative campaigns in the next 30 days!
- We have 11 pieces of state model legislation
- We have a 20 Pt Election Security Agenda
- We have 81 pieces of EI related legislation to be analyzed and mobilized on!
- We are organizing by State, by County teams to train and mobilize, beginning with the 8 battleground states of Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, the balance to immediately follow.

Mandate Freedom!
2 Million State Actions Taken in 2021!
- We are calling for Freedom from ALL Covid-19 Relates Restrictions in all 50 States
- We have a massive All-State Legislative Action Campaign in progress
- We have multiple legislative victories under our belt and continue to work from the top down, grassroots bottom up through every channel and network we can deliver. We need your help to continue and increase grassroots pressure on this initiative. 
- We have new Mandate Freedom Campaign Messaging and Resources coming your way! 
- We are adding a slider to our main home page for visitors.
- We are building a Campaign Resource Page as a one stop resource for all Covid Mandate Related Status for you and your teams!
- There are at least 181 pieces of state legislation related to Covid to be analyzed and mobilized on! 
- Click here for a summary of where we are at with Mandate Freedom across the country!
- We have identified model legislation to ensure lasting protection of our civil liberties, including a Vaccine Bill of Rights that we will be sharing.

Critical Race Theory-All-State Campaign 

- Click HERE to download our Grassroots CRT Mobilization Plan. 
- Click HERE to download our Legislator Strategic Partnership Guide to present legislation to your representatives.

- We have awesome downloadable strategic School Board Rally Signs 

- We have legislative status

Visit our CRT Campaign Resources Here!

It’s very important to understand some basics as it relates to School Boards and strategies to bring correction as it relates to offensive curriculum and educational programs.

Governance and Policy Authority

In MOST states, the state Lawmakers determine the framework and content policies for K-12 education. 

The Governor typically acts as the chairman of the State Board of Education. 

The State Board of Education Board Members have limited powers. Any decisions on adopting curriculum, extracurricular materials, and programs are permitted ONLY through the existing laws established in partnership between the lawmakers and the Governor. They must request a policy change for anything that is outside the established legal framework. 

The Governor has the executive authority to immediately affect a school board policy through executive order, but this is a temporary measure with orders that can be easily modified or struck down by the next elected Governor. 

The local School Board Members are responsible for enforcing the State Board of Education policies and procedures and are held liable for adhering to the laws. 

Many times, we can cite State Board of Education or State Constitutional Laws that would prove a School Board is not adhering to the law or that there is a direct conflict between an offensive curriculum and the law. 

CLEARLY, Critical Race Theory, Race Theory, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is steeped in race discrimination and violates both federal and state statutes and you can go to battle on these grounds. You should also note that CRT was originally a higher education, collegiate level theory explored exclusively in law school and has more recently been adopted in Medical School. This is hardly an appropriate subject for K-12 developing minds. 

You will find that Comprehensive Sex Education, which is quickly becoming as hot an issue as CRT, also has very weak grounds for existence. Most Board of EDU policies cite “appropriate for the grade level” as a standard, with vague or absent definitions on what is deemed appropriate, opening wide opportunities for parents and the community to determine what they feel is appropriate. It is my view that we need to return to strict biological health and science teaching and root out collegiate level Sexual Behavior courses from our K-12 grade level, especially as it relates to pornographic visual and written materials. 

Strategically, we can focus our united energies on affecting the policies through the lawmakers that would apply to the ENTIRE STATE; the lawmakers and the Governor hold the power to make the changes we seek! 

We can exhaust our limited time, energy, and resources on fighting one School Board at a time or muster the entire parent/community at large to force permanent change NOW! 

To give you a numbers perspective:

There are 98,456 US Public Schools.

There are 16,025 US School Boards.

There is an average of 359 School Boards in every state! 

Some states have over 1000 School Boards! 

If all 50 States collectively targeted our lawmakers and Governors with the same zeal and activism we’ve seen at the local level, WE WOULD HAVE CRT SHUT DOWN TODAY!  

Help rally your local CRT engaged community to start mobilizing at the state legislative level! You will grow your local group, and help your community build a tangible, achievable REAL IMPACT!

Recruiting Specialist Volunteers
*We need a Legislative Specialist in every state. Anyone that already is engaged in state legislation, is comfortable reading and interpreting bills, and has experience engaging with your local lawmakers and would like to play a role in impacting your state in a bigger way, please contact us right away. We want to coordinate with a specialist in every state to assist in identifying legislation and initiating the ACT NOW Campaigns at the local level. 

Coming Soon!

Act in Faith

This year marks our 20th Anniversary! 

Our roots in launching a national grassroots organization were largely birthed out of the thousands of faith-based congregations Brigitte Gabriel toured and spoke at. Many of these original chapters formed through members in these congregations as a natural form of ‘salt and light’ ministry, and some operated on the grounds as my chapter did.

We will be launching a branch of ACT for America Grassroots called ACT in Faith, planting chapters directly in home churches across the nation. We will provide faith-based support, know-how, and biblical inspiration to our members. 

2022 Hope & Inspiration Tour

We hope to work through ACT in Faith participants to coordinate speaking engagements for Brigitte Gabriel to visit your churches of 500 or more in her 2022 Hope & Inspiration Tour! 

Please let us know if ACT in Faith is something you are interested in engaging in and if you would like to work with your church administration to coordinate a speaking engagement! 

A Special Message to 
Our Leadership Family

Stay tuned on the many upcoming projects we hope to partner with all of you on. 

Please feel free to drop us a line and share what you and your chapter are working on today. We would love to hear from you on any support and resources you would like to see. 

If you are working on our main agenda items, please let us know today so we can partner and bolster your efforts in your state!

If you are a chapter or group struggling to get off the ground and would like mentoring and support, please feel free to reach out! 

If you are a Single Operator and would like to volunteer your time with our team, please let us know what you enjoy working on and any special skills or experience you have, and we can surely partner with you to find some meaningful project/s you can help us with! 

Please feel free to share our Group Leader correspondence directly with your teams. We want to make sure your members are brought into the family! We only ask that you refrain from public posting on anything we have not publicly posted on our website. We want to keep our opposition in the dark to prevent disruption and obstruction of your group efforts at the local level!

Christine Reagan


ACT For America is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. We do not receive any government funding or grants so that we are not muzzled from speaking the truth. 

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