Michigan-Ban All Voting Machines!

Michigan-Ban All Voting Machines!

Actions Taken

For: MI

Michiganders Have the Power to Ban Voting Machines in Their County!

The County Clerk in each county has the power to opt for hand-count elections and set aside all voting machines and electronic devices before the 2024 election!

Hand-count elections Are Simple, Reliable, Affordable, and Within Reach! Let’s Restore Conventional Elections with hand-count, paper ballot, in-person, at precinct elections, county by county.  

Michiganders deserve security, accountability, transparency, and accuracy in elections.

-Every voting machine and tabulator can be hacked within 1-7 minutes, in person or remotely, altering vote tallies without detection; if a machine plugs into a wall, regardless of internet connectivity, an intrusion is easy.

State and Government websites, including the central tally of votes, have been accessed by domestic and foreign hacking. Intrusions like this are often not discovered for a year or more, and most are virtually undetectable.   

It’s a disgrace for lawmakers to continue to defend the impossible and blatantly false claims that voting machines are safe and secure!

Help Michigan make history and be the first state in the nation to end the reign of machines and put elections back into the hands of Michiganders in your county today!

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves"
-Abraham Lincoln

Help Michigan Ban All Voting Machines!

Every dollar raised will be dedicated to raising awareness, and mobilizing grassroots pressure on every elected official to impact policy.

F Finnegan F
H Haveman H
O Otsuji O
S Stoner S
B Baran B