Stop Child Sex Trafficking and Slavery!

Actions Taken
Over 32 thousand unaccompanied minors have been lost by DHS, HHS, and ICE since Biden took office! This number could increase to hundreds of thousands as the ongoing investigation continues.
An HHS Whistleblower came forward in 2022, reporting that the HHS was knowingly placing children into the custody of criminals, sex traffickers, and slave laborers who were primarily non-citizens and unrelated to the children.
The Biden-Harris Open Borders has created a crisis of unaccompanied minors abandoned at the border in the hundreds of thousands! After a year and a half of waiting for answers on the missing children, the Office of the Inspector General, US Dept of HHS, has now confirmed at least 32 thousand children are in the wind, and they must be found!
Call on federal and state officials to hold government officials accountable for their failures and to mount a nationwide manhunt to find these lost children!