Voter ID in Every State!

Actions Taken
Voter ID and US Citizenship Verification to Vote!
48 states allow illegal non-citizens to register to vote and vote in their state, and 24 states are guilty of “motor voter” automatic registration for anyone who acquires a state-issued ID or driver's license. Alabama and Ohio are the only exceptions.
48 states accept absurd forms of identification to register and vote at the polls, including Employee ID Cards, Student ID cards, Fishing Licenses, Bank Statements, Credit Cards with or without a photo, and Social Security cards, which can be acquired by anyone residing in the US, regardless of citizenship status.
81% of Americans favor requiring a Voter ID with citizenship verification to vote!
Stop Biden's plot to swing battleground states' election outcomes with illegal voters- stop foreign meddling in our elections!
Call on US Congress and State Representatives to ACT NOW!