Abolish the Federal Department of Education!

Actions Taken
Stop the Marxist Revolution in Education: Dangerous and Disgraceful Weaponizing of the US Department of Education!
Marxists Are Running Biden’s US Department of Education and It’s Time to Decentralize Education Governance, Restoring States as Sole Arbiters of Education Standards, Rules, and Regulations and Restore Congress's Sole Power of the Purse!
The Department of Education has overstepped its Constitutional bounds by leveraging its authority to socialize education through initiatives like partisan electioneering through student loan forgiveness despite Congress's sole power of the purse and recent SCOTUS rulings.
Now, it's attempting to enact policies that should be the exclusive purview of Congress. Their new effort to abolish gender and radically redefine Title IX not only undermines the legislative process but also threatens the very fabric of our educational system.
Call on Congress to investigate the US Department of Education's gross abuse of power and spending, restore Title IX as originally intended, defend the term sex as between only two sexes held by the mass majority of Americans, and stop student loan forgiveness!
Call on States to memorialize a resolution calling on Congress to Act and restore state power over education!