Hold Fani Willis Accountable for Perjury!

Hold Fani Willis Accountable for Perjury!

Actions Taken

Georgia Governor Kemp and Attorney General Carr must act decisively to hold Willis and Wade accountable and restore faith in the rule of law. Anything less would be a gross miscarriage of justice and America is watching!

How can Fani Willis maintain her credibility as a prosecutor while facing allegations of potentially lying in a Georgia court just three weeks ago?

Judge McAfee's contorted effort to spare Willis and her office from disqualification has only exacerbated the tangled web of legal and ethical dilemmas surrounding the case. Despite acknowledging the pervasive "odor of mendacity" and the existence of "reasonable questions" regarding the veracity of Willis and Wade's testimony, McAfee inexplicably refrained from taking decisive action.

Willis' blatant disregard for professional ethics, as evidenced by her extrajudicial comments, warrants stern disciplinary action from the Georgia Bar. Moreover, the revelation of potential perjury by Willis and Wade demands swift investigation and prosecution by Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr.

It is unconscionable that a prosecutor entrusted with upholding the law would resort to deceitful tactics to advance a partisan agenda. The specter of political bias and deception casts a dark shadow over the entire legal process and undermines public trust in the judicial system.

Call for Action Today! 

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
-Martin Luther King

Help Us Hold Fani Willis Accountable!

Every dollar raised will be dedicated to raising awareness, and mobilizing grassroots pressure on every elected official to impact policy.