Stop MI ‘Banned Book Week’ Parent Demonizing Resolution!

Stop MI ‘Banned Book Week’ Parent Demonizing Resolution!

Actions Taken

For: MI

Michigan Lawmakers have drunk the American Library Association cool aid, introducing House Resolution 0139 to declare October 1-7, 2023, as ‘Banned Books Week’ in the state of Michigan, partnering with the Leftist-Marxist leadership of the American Library Association. This is in reaction to parents seeking to protect children from accessing sexually explicit, age-inappropriate books in their schools and public libraries.

Prohibiting pornographic materials from reaching children isn't book burning; it's a matter of safeguarding children. We should insist on a parent-centric parental guidance system for books, akin to the system used in the movie and television industry.

Let kids be kids! Call on Michigan State Lawmakers to Vote No on HR 0139 and immediately pass parent-centric regulations to safeguard Michigan’s children!

The paramount duty and right of parents is to safeguard their children. The act of protecting children should be viewed as a logical, legal, and necessary distinction from censorship.
-Brigitte Gabriel

Help Us Protect Michigan's Kids!

Every dollar raised will be dedicated to raising awareness, and mobilizing grassroots pressure on every elected official to impact policy.