Chapter Registration

Start an ACT For America Chapter

ACT For America is the nation’s premier grassroots movement dedicated to preserving America’s culture, security, and freedoms.

Start a chapter today and make a real impact from day one. You'll gain access to strategic campaigns, action alerts, and resources designed to maximize and accelerate your influence in your city and state. Our robust network and proven strategies ensure your efforts are amplified, driving meaningful change where it matters most.

Our Chapters are self-starters and natural organizers who build a local movement of like-minded patriots, mirroring our national and state campaign efforts. They inform their communities and mobilize them through our ACT NOW campaigns. You drive your schedule and level of commitment, with no pressure or requirements to maintain your chapter status. We believe in providing patriots with a platform to make a difference when and where they can on the issues they are most passionate about, while also accommodating the unpredictability of life.

“When each of us does a little, we accomplish a lot!”

Join the movement and become part of our grassroots advocacy army today!