Confirm Youngkin’s Appointments without Partisan Obstruction!

Confirm Youngkin’s Appointments without Partisan Obstruction!
For: VA

End Partisan Games: Stop Liberals from Blocking Youngkin's Qualified Nominees.

The State of Virginia elected Governor Youngkin, and it is the duty of the State Senate to fill vacancies with qualified nominees who embody the values and commitments he campaigned on, ensuring governance reflects the electorate's choice.

Virginia's Liberal Senators have blatantly blocked Governor Youngkin’s highly qualified appointees, not based on merit but solely for political gain. These appointees, spanning critical sectors like law enforcement, education, and civil rights, included diverse figures such as Black leaders, Jewish scholars, immigrants, women, and even critics of Trump. This is about putting political power above the welfare of the state they are sworn to serve.

Call on Lawmakers to Reinstate and Confirm these Nominees!  

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
-Abraham Lincoln

Help Confirm Governor Youngkin's Appointments without Partisan Obstruction!

Every dollar raised will be dedicated to raising awareness, and mobilizing grassroots pressure on every elected official to impact policy.