Stop Extreme Left Policies – Protect Your Wallet!

Virginia families face skyrocketing electric bills thanks to the radical Left policies. Instead of fixing the Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA), the Left blocked every Conservative attempt to stop $450 million in new fees from hitting consumers.
The Left blocked solutions.
Conservatives fought for relief.
You pay the price unless we act NOW!
The VCEA forces power companies to buy wind and solar—even when they can’t meet demand. Fines get passed to YOU, and a loophole prevents regulation of rate hikes.
Conservatives Fought Back – The Left Said No
Eliminate penalty fees – The Left refused.
Put fees under SCC oversight – The Left refused.
Add nuclear power – The Left refused.
Bills The Left Killed: HB2200, HB2197, HB2365, HB1875.
Contact your State Senators & Delegates NOW to demand:
End unfair fees | Stop skyrocketing rates | Support nuclear power
Act NOW before your electric bill soars!