Stop States from Providing ‘Sanctuary’ to Minors for ‘Gender Affirming Care’ Without Parental Consent!
550,436Actions Taken
Stop States from Providing ‘Sa…

Stop West Coast States from Luring and Encouraging Runaway Minors to Receive State Protected Sanctua…

527,739Actions Taken
Stop Funding Billions to Afgha…

The Biden Administration has been secretly funneling a billion+ dollars to the Afghan Taliban since…

Stop Qatar’s Bankrolling and Hosting of Terrorist Organizations!
788,504Actions Taken
Stop Qatar’s Bankrolling and H…

Suspend Qatar’s status as a Major Non-NATO Ally (MNNA) until it no longer supports terrorists, inclu…

402,059Actions Taken
Stop Airline Suicide Bomber Te…

Immediately Call Federal Air Marshalls Back from the Southern Border to Secure Commercial Airlines!…

Stop the War on Gas-Powered Vehicles and Fossil Fuel!
611,699Actions Taken
Stop the War on Gas-Powered Ve…

The Federal Clean Air Act of 1970: Exploited to Ban Gas-Powered Vehicles and Wage War on Fossil Fuel…

275,660Actions Taken
No Mask Mandate for Students a…

Stop Masking and Muzzling Students and Faculty! We’ve had three years to implement constitutionall…

Stop Mayors Global Reset Agenda!
374,661Actions Taken
Stop Mayors Global Reset Agend…

We must stop US Mayors from Executing Unconstitutional Foreign Treaties with the World Economic Foru…

Stop US Census Election Rigging!
441,384Actions Taken
Stop US Census Election Riggin…

The American people deserve fair representation in Congress, not a rigged system that favors one par…

Stop Biden's Lawless Cancellation of Student Loans!
610,405Actions Taken
Stop Biden's Lawless Canc…

Biden's Student Loan Cancellation Scheme is Defying Supreme Court Rulings and Congress Constitu…

Stop US Aid Funding Palestinian Terrorism!
642,159Actions Taken
Stop US Aid Funding Palestinia…

Why Has the Biden Administration Donated Close to One Billion Dollars in "Aid" to Hamas Si…

Stop Child Sex Trafficking and Slavery!
506,275Actions Taken
Stop Child Sex Trafficking and…

Over 32 thousand unaccompanied minors have been lost by DHS, HHS, and ICE since Biden took office! T…

Get Tough on Non-Citizen Migrant Crime!
597,922Actions Taken
Get Tough on Non-Citizen Migra…

Justice for Laken Riley Act! Illegal ‘Migrant Crime’ State Arrest Authorization to Fight Against Fe…