111,827 Actions Taken
Protect Nebraska Girls Sports…

Female athletes deserve fair competition and that means maintaining biologically…

111,883 Actions Taken
Protect Nebraska Children’s In…

NEBRASKA STATE: Criminalize genital mutilation and chemical castration of minor…

135,131 Actions Taken
Protect Missouri Children’s In…

MISSOURI STATE: Criminalize genital mutilation and chemical castration of minor…

130,301 Actions Taken
Ban Rank Choice Voting!

Stop Arizona from becoming a Rank Choice Voter State, forever dependent on votin…

123,674 Actions Taken
Ban All Voting Machines, Conve…

Alabama is leading the nation on state legislation to ban all voting machines an…

132,713 Actions Taken
Stop Radical Election Fraud Bi…

Minnesota state law makers are rushing to pass dangerous election bills that wil…

114,093 Actions Taken
Stop Radical Election Fraud Bi…

Stop the Radical HB4 Election Fraud Bill! Blue state law makers are rushing to…

152,701 Actions Taken
Protect Children’s Innocence

Criminalize genital mutilation and chemical castration of minor children! While…

121,039 Actions Taken
Virginia-Stop Hiding Kids Gend…

Happening Now! Call on the Virginia State Senate to Vote YES on HB 2432 and Stop…

179,219 Actions Taken
Texas for Parental Rights in E…

Stop Comprehensive Sex Education and Gender Fluidity Indoctrination in K-5 Publi…

147,510 Actions Taken
Stop Non-Citizens from Voting!

Stop State House Joint Resolution 10 proposing a State Constitutional Amendment…

133,139 Actions Taken
Virginia School Choice for All…

Virginia State Lawmakers are putting bill HB 1508 titled ‘Virginia Education Suc…